Too Soon to Stop Caring.
I don’t know too
Escaping the present troubles by stating these ever so comfortable words, “I don’t know”, looks like a new trend with young adults today. The truth is that we have grown too fast and too slow at the same time that we really do not know.
It is always inspiring to see those who always have it figured out. Maybe they have more discipline than you do. Maybe they are just born lucky. You know what?!! I don’t even know!!!!!!
We do not like to burden ourselves with the troubles of tomorrow even when it looks like we are preparing for it. I guess it is because we have been told that tomorrow would take care of itself (at least, I know that I heard this a thousand times growing up).
As if we are programmed to just worry all the time, now what burdens us is not tomorrow but how we are not so bothered about tomorrow. Is it actually okay to let tomorrow take care of itself? I don’t even know!!!!!!
There is this fear that crops up every time I try to show that I don’t care about a particular situation. The funny thing is I truly do not care or maybe I just tell myself too many times, it becomes a reality to me. It could even be because I want to enjoy every single day as it comes.
But, it feels like I have two sides to my mind. The original part and the part I have created as my reality. These two are always at loggerheads while I sit back and watch. One part wants to keep account of future, present and past outcomes while the other part just doesn’t like stress and wants to chill.
Sometimes, we put our thoughts and life’s incidents on a scale and look thoroughly at what we have put down, telling ourselves “Are these incidents worth my time and thinking capacity”. “Do I have to invest so much time brooding over this and that?”
While these kinds of questions compound out thought processes and eventually cause us stress, I believe this is one way we, as human beings, escape the hassles. We don’t even want to over-analyze these things anymore. We just want to know what we know and that’s it.
But, we still don’t know…