One party we all need.
Relationships are beautiful and the components are the reasons for this ravishing beauty we all yearn for.
All personal relationships actually. Parent to Child, Husband to Wife, Two pretty best friends, ‘Cliques cos' they click’ and the likes.
One factor we fail to recognise or consider almost everyday is the Third Party.
Now I know there is a lot of advice on letting people into your affairs in a relationship, even some friendships do not allow that.
So, what happens when you both are blind to your faults? What happens when you both hurt each other but you are too hurt to say sorry, no one wants to be the bigger person. So, you do not look like a dummy.
I heard of a story one time when two really good friends misunderstood each other and they just couldn’t see it at all. Gbenro and Seun hurt each other so much, no one was ready to apologise because each of them felt that the other person hurt them more.
So, out of frustration and concern, Seun reached out to someone he trusted to see if the person would come into the situation and help them both out. Anne was more than ready to help them settle the scores.
When Gbenro was asked what happened, he simply went all angry that Seun, who he was still upset with, told someone else. Meanwhile, they both trusted the Third Party, or so she thought.
Now, before you ask, it was not an issue that they couldn’t share with anyone. It was a misunderstanding that wasn’t supposed to be a secret. You could see it like a fly that disturbs your face.
The fear of having a third party see his flaws or maybe advise him, had engulfed him. It was more of pride than fear for Gbenro in my opinion.
But, he failed to understand that until the trusted third party came into play, there was tension everywhere. If egos where left aside, they could have heard themselves out through the eyes of a neutral person.
Well, the friendship didn’t last long. There were too many topics to touch and no other party to be on the neutral ground. From misunderstandings, to “whys", to egos on a rampage, to many what nots.
Third parties are not harmful people when you choose the right persons to be yours. Humans can be very annoying and can also be loose mouths but, we all have that one person we can trust with anything.
Fresh eyes and minds on a matter help you see loopholes that you never thought you had. They are like clear water in a puddle (I am referring to when the water is poured, not the mix👀). They are eye openers.
So, rather than worry about whether your ego will be crushed, be concerned with your healthy relationship not going down the drain over misunderstandings.
Third parties (TRUSTED) might just be the eyes you need, the relief you desire and the ying that yangs your ying (what?!!! 😂😂😂😂).
Oluwamayowa 🥰🥰🥰