ONCE UPON ALL THE TIMES, there lived (and still live) 7.6 billion people on planet Earth who must have uttered these words: “for the first time” at any point in their lives. There is always the beginning of things in our lives and prospects or hopes that resulted in causing the beginning to exist.
Everyone has first times. The first time you had a bath which you would clearly not remember. The first time you ate real food. The first time you went to school. The first time you told someone you liked them. The first time you got a business proposal. The first time you had a kid. The first time you were in church. The first time you stood in front of a large crowd and spoke.
I bet you know your other first times.
Although there is the constant factor of everyone having a first time, our experiences are what change the whole ball game. We have first times we don’t plan or choose like the first time I fell into a gutter or the first time I fell off a motorcycle. We also have those first times we choose and plan. Those moments that tell who we are and what we stand for.
Like all the other first times I chose and am planning presently, writing here is also one. I hope to create good content that people would read for the first time and be happy they did.
Cheers to the many first times and the ones yet to be conceived.