The best advice can only be useful on fertile grounds
Wise words are magnifying glasses for elders and vehicles for the young; the elders with experience, use them as needed and the young drive their way to adventure with them. For me, dishing out wise words is not ultimately a function of age but how mature your mind has become.
Now, while wise words are tools or mechanisms for movement, both the elders and the young must put in the effort to see that those wise words ACTUALLY MOVE. In essence, there is a lot of advice flying around in the world, a lot of good advice at your disposal but it is important that you actually take charge of those words and make them yours. You need to make yourself a fertile ground for good advice.
Recently, closely listening to what people have to say became one of my favourite things to do. Asides from my stubborn habit of wanting to know what goes on in peoples’ minds, I saw that I probably needed to know how people coped with being responsible. Not that I didn’t know but what I knew was too little to sustain myself with. What I learnt from listening is that self-motivation is vital when all else fails.
Right from the beginning of any goal, self-motivation should be the thing that even drives you to be further motivated by other people and their stories. Since you are the only one that knows exactly what goes on in your own mind, you can tell what has been keeping you from achieving your goal and tackle it head-on. After all, a horse can only get dragged to a river, no one can force the horse to drink from it.
P.S. — This article is one that I made to reassure myself that I have more to do when it comes to self-motivation. It could be a reassurance for you too.