G.E.A.R to Humans(1)
Man, Woman and Reactions
Recently, I found myself entangled in topics related to men, women, emotions, biology and how we all fit into society’s construct of all these concepts.
The discussions I have had with some people opened my eyes to both the misunderstandings I had on emotions and the ideas people try to propagate about it.
There is a wave of insincerity in how people throw around generalizations and the word ‘biology’. Some things that society has attributed to biology are actually quite fluid and do not need gender roles to be carried out. This is in reference to behavioural ethics.
That a lie has been propagated from 4 A.D. does not change its colour from being the lie that it is. A lie is still a lie regardless of who likes the lie and how empathetic we are expected to be about the lie.
Many people hide behind biology to defend some weird and hypocritical takes. It is becoming obvious that these takes are from biases people do not want to drop due to benefits.
Some of the benefits were not even worked for, they are not inherently entitled to them. They just like what society has shielded them with.
So, for the next few days, I will be on this particular topic researching and feeding you, my audience, as I learn as well.
I believe that as the days go by, the topic and its essence would become clearer.