Different Times and Tastes
We are all different but similar sometimes
A lot of differences exist among humans, even between identical twins.
We all think differently and react to things differently, yet we seem to have binding themes that make us similar.
Your brother’s goal may be to become the president tomorrow. Yours may be to become the best teacher in your town.
The goals make you both different and even how you see life would be totally different. I mean politics and teaching do not seem to go well together at all.
But, what you both have in common is that you have goals. The actions towards those goals would make you different but a similarity exists where there is something you both want to achieve.
Thinking about timing a lot, I have realised that people are often blind to other people’s goals because they have a timing in their minds for their neighbours.
Everyone has a time in their heads where they expect that you should have achieved your own goals, sometimes without you knowing.
Even now, people are becoming even more intolerant of timing; every man’s distinct time for their goals to be met.
If we have a similarity of meeting goals, the focus should be that the goal is met. Why are people impatient on other people’s behalf?