Blinded By Passion
Passion takes a lot of patience but do you do nothing while waiting?
This article is inspired by an article I read on Lifegiva today. (click on this to read.)
Not even in this time and age would I advise anyone to rely solely on their passion. If you read my articles, you would know that I advocate for dreaming big and aiming high, doing the most, maybe walking the extra mile to achieve your goals, etc. I do not just say it, I live it (in a few ways).
Living your dream is one of the most fulfilling things you can ever achieve and it is truly amazing. But, what do you do while wanting to live your dream? Do you shut out all other opportunities and talents? Do you say “NO!, they don’t go together” when you ought to be exploring your options?
While I do not agree that advising people to follow their passions is a terrible idea (the author did justice to explaining that it isn’t bad but not always the best), I would like to rephrase it as “Following your dreams should be done with discretion and wisdom.”
I am on one of the wildest journeys in my life right now. It doesn't make sense to a lot of people, they see it as foolishness. To others, it is a very brave step that they do not think they can take.
To me, it is a step I evaluate every day. Not because I am not sure that this step is the right one to take (no turning back, this is it)but because I want to ensure that I am not following my passion blindly.
FOLLOWING YOUR PASSION CAN NEVER BE WRONG if you do it right after you have analyzed and reviewed it thoroughly.
Many decisions or plans we make are informed by learned opinions and objectives. We are pinnacles of borrowed thoughts and ideas. The only distinctiveness in every man is the ability to sift through opinions and stand for something. That is why no size fits all, in most cases.
But, I always say that some general rules and laws are unbeatable and unavoidable.
There are dreams that take years to achieve, passions that can only have their flames properly fanned when they have stood the test of time. To some people, their lack of patience is what often makes it look like those dreams are a waste of time, coupled with the fact that they shut their mind’s eye to the other possibilities they had. For example, you can be a doctor, a fashion designer, and a chef and you can do the three really well at their own times and seasons. But, if you choose to just stick to being a doctor, even in periods when it clearly isn’t enough or sufficient, you might just end up shooting yourself in the leg.
These things I just said might be wild for some but in this 21st century, these should not be odd. AT ALL. You should think about finances, think about engagements, connections, connectivity, exposure, etc.
Many times, your dreams might not give you the money you need to pursue them just yet. How then do you fan the flame? Don’t get stuck in a storybook that you cannot get out of fantasy land.
I don’t think Elon Musk just relied on his fantasies. Right now (2021), he is eating the world’s fattest bone. He did other things but did not lose sight of his biggest dreams. There was Zip2, then, then PayPal, and many more before the realization of SpaceX (2002) and Tesla (2003).
My opinion: Fan the flames of your dreams while being in an open relationship with them. Yeah, cheat on them legally. In this case, the cheating will most likely be beneficial to the big dreams. VERY MUCH BENEFICIAL.
As simple as it can get.