As Important as Peppery Stew

A little waste of your time

Oluwamayowa Ajewole
2 min readJul 29, 2021

The talk today is about the impact of Yoruba people’s peppery stew. I’d try to relate it to life and relationships in the hope to confuse you.

*(inserts evil laugh)*

I am Yoruba, my name already gives that off. But, I only like to take peppery food when I crave it. NOT ALL THE TIME. Infact, only 10% of the time because I end up not enjoying the food or even tasting it.

But, my people are wild on this journey of eating peppery food. Why would you cook everyday and baptise your stew in ungodly pepper. Yes, I said ungodly.

Someone cannot even savour the taste of the food. You just keep blowing whistles with your mouth.

Anyway, moving on to the idea of so much pepper in food. Over and over again, it has been said that there’s no nutrient you get from having your food so hot. The craving might be to sooth your mouth and for other important reasons.

But, having that constantly is like punching your gut with a straight face.

It goes same for some relationships. There are people that are needed at the spur of the moment. They just happen to be around for the time that you actually need them. I mean, we constantly need people and they need us too.

That’s not bad. What would be bad is having those people so close you cannot do without them when they have obvious red flags sticking out their heads.

Like pepper can be so spicy when in abundance but take you on a trip to diarrhea land, those people might look so shiny on you but give you the worst effect from being with you everytime.

Do you get me? I don’t think I succeeded at confusing you but myself.

Thanks for reading.



Oluwamayowa Ajewole
Oluwamayowa Ajewole

Written by Oluwamayowa Ajewole

Christian, Nigerian, Writer. Writing my thoughts as they are😉

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